Kundmachung des Bundeskanzlers betreffend die Berichtigung der Kundmachung des Bundeskanzlers betreffend Änderung der Anhänge zum Europäischen Abkommen über Soziale Sicherheit und der Zusatzvereinbarung zur Durchführung des Europäischen Abkommens über Soziale Sicherheit

30. Kundmachung des Bundeskanzlers betreffend die Berichtigung der Kundmachung des Bundeskanzlers betreffend Änderung der Anhänge zum Europäischen Abkommen über Soziale Sicherheit und der Zusatzvereinbarung zur Durchführung des Europäischen Abkommens über Soziale Sicherheit

Die Kundmachung in BGBl. III Nr. 15/2013 wird dahingehend ergänzt, dass die nachstehenden gesetzlichen Anordnungen für Abänderungen der Anhänge zum Europäischen Abkommen über Soziale Sicherheit und zur Zusatzvereinbarung zur Durchführung des Europäischen Abkommens über Soziale Sicherheit durch die Niederlande gemäß der Mitteilung des Generalsekretärs des Europarates vom 2. März 2007, den bereits kundgemachten ergänzenden Erläuterungen vorangestellt werden.

In accordance with Article 81 of the Convention, the Netherlands authorities propose to adjust the provisions of Annexes II and VII to the Convention as follows:

  1. In Annex II to the Convention, a new subsection g. is added, reading:

    ?g. health care allowances.”

  2. In Annex VII to the Convention, a new subsection F is added, reading:

    ?F. Health care insurance

    a. As regards entitlement to benefits in kind under Netherlands legislation, persons entitled to benefits in kind for the purpose of the implementation of Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Convention shall mean:
    (i) persons who, under Article 2 of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act), are obliged to take out insurance with a health care insurer, and
    (ii) insofar as they are not already included under point (i), persons who are resident on the territory of another Contracting Party and who, under this Convention, are entitled to health care in their State of residence, the costs being borne by the Netherlands.
    b. The persons referred to in point a(i) must, in accordance with the provisions of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act), take out insurance with a health care insurer, and the persons referred to in point a(ii) must register with the College voor zorgverzekeringen (Health Care Insurance Board).
    c. For the purpose of determining entitlement to benefits pursuant to Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Convention, ??members of the family?? means: a spouse, registered partner or child under the age of 18.
    d. The provisions of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act) and the Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (Exceptional Medical Expenses Act) concerning liability for the payment of contributions shall apply to the persons referred to under point a. and the members of their families. In respect of family members, the contributions shall be levied on the person from whom the right to health care is derived.
    e. The provisions of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act) concerning late insurance shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event of late registration with the College voor zorgverzekeringen (Health Care Insurance Board) in respect of the persons referred to in a(ii).
    f. Persons entitled to benefits in kind by virtue of the legislation of a Contracting Party other than the Netherlands who reside in the Netherlands or stay temporarily in the Netherlands shall be entitled to benefits in kind in accordance with the policy offered to insured persons in the Netherlands by the institution of the place of residence or the place of stay, taking into account Article 11 (1), (2) and (3) and Article 19 (1) of the Zorgverzekeringswet (Health Care Insurance Act), as well as to benefits in kind provided by the Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (Exceptional Medical Expenses Act).
    g. For the purposes of Article 24 of this Convention, the following pensions shall be treated as pensions payable under the legal provisions mentioned in subparagraphs (b) (invalidity) and (c) (old age) of Article 2, paragraph 1, of this Convention:
    - pensions awarded under the Law of 6 January 1966 on pensions for civil servants and their survivors (Algemene burgerlijke pensioenwet) (Netherlands Civil Service Pensions Act);
    - pensions awarded under the Law of 6 October 1966 on pensions for military personnel and their survivors (Algemene militaire pensioenwet) (Military Pensions Act);
    - disablement benefits awarded under the Law of 7 June 1972 on measures provided on behalf of servicemen and persons regarded as such against the financial consequences of disablement (Wet arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening militairen);
    - pensions awarded under the Law of 15 February 1967 on pensions for employees of the Netherlands Railway Company (NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen) and their survivors (Spoorwegpensioenwet), (Railway Pensions Act);
    - pensions awarded under the Reglement Dienstvoorwaarden Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Regulation governing conditions of employment of the Netherlands Railway Company);
    - benefits awarded to retired persons before reaching the pensionable age of 65 years under a pension scheme designed to provide income for former employed persons in their old age, or benefits provided in the event of premature exit from the labour market under a scheme set up by a State or by an industrial agreement for persons aged 55 or over.
    h. Persons residing in the Netherlands, who are entitled to benefits in kind at the expense of another Contracting Party under Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Convention, are not insured under the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act.
    i. For the purposes of Chapters 1 and 3 of Title III of this Convention, the no-claim refund provided for in the Netherlands scheme in the event of limited use of health care facilities, shall be deemed to be a sickness benefit in cash.”

    In accordance with Article 92 of the Supplementary Agreement, the Netherlands authorities propose to adjust the provisions of Annexes 1 to 4 and 7 to the Supplementary Agreement as follows:

  3. In Annex 1 to the Supplementary Agreement, the section ??the Netherlands?? will read as...

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