Annahme einer neuen Anlage VII zum Rotterdamer Übereinkommen über das Verfahren der vorherigen Zustimmung nach Inkenntnissetzung für bestimmte gefährliche Chemikalien sowie Pestizide im internationalen Handel


Jahrgang 2020 Ausgegeben am 4. Dezember 2020 Teil III

211. Annahme einer neuen Anlage VII zum Rotterdamer Übereinkommen über das Verfahren der vorherigen Zustimmung nach Inkenntnissetzung für bestimmte gefährliche Chemikalien sowie Pestizide im internationalen Handel

211. Annahme einer neuen Anlage VII zum Rotterdamer Übereinkommen über das Verfahren der vorherigen Zustimmung nach Inkenntnissetzung für bestimmte gefährliche Chemikalien sowie Pestizide im internationalen Handel

Auf Grund des § 5 Abs. 1 Z 6 des Bundesgesetzes über das Bundesgesetzblatt 2004 (BGBlG), BGBl. I Nr. 100/2003 idgF, wird kundgemacht:

Auf ihrer neunten Tagung vom 29. April bis 10. Mai 2019 hat die Konferenz der Vertragsparteien des Rotterdamer Übereinkommens über das Verfahren der vorherigen Zustimmung nach Inkenntnissetzung für bestimmte gefährliche Chemikalien sowie Pestizide im internationalen Handel (BGBl. III Nr. 67/2005 idF BGBl. III Nr. 106/2009, zuletzt geändert durch BGBl. III Nr. 154/2019) gemäß Beschluss RC-9/7 folgende neue Anlage VII zum Übereinkommen angenommen:

Annex VII Procedures and mechanisms on compliance with the Rotterdam Convention

1. A compliance committee (hereinafter referred to as ?the Committee”) is hereby established.


2. The Committee shall consist of 15 members. Members shall be nominated by Parties and elected by the Conference of the Parties on the basis of equitable geographical representation of the five regional groups of the United Nations.

3. Members shall have expertise and specific qualifications in the subject matter covered by the Convention. They shall serve objectively and in the best interest of the Convention.

Election of members

4. At its first meeting after the entry into force of the present annex, the Conference of the Parties shall elect eight members of the Committee for one term and seven members for two terms. The Conference of the Parties shall, at each ordinary meeting thereafter, elect for two full terms new members to replace those members whose period of office has expired or is about to expire. Members shall not serve for more than two consecutive terms. For the purpose of the present annex, ?term” shall mean the period that begins at the end of one ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties and ends at the end of the next ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

5. If a member of the Committee resigns or is otherwise unable to complete his or her term of office or to perform his or her functions, the Party that nominated that member shall nominate an alternate to serve for the remainder of the term.


6. The Committee shall elect its own chair. A vice-chair and a rapporteur shall be elected, on a rotating basis, by the Committee in accordance with rule 30 of the rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties.


7. The Committee shall hold meetings as necessary and wherever possible in conjunction with meetings of the Conference of the Parties or other Convention bodies.

8. Subject to paragraph 9 below, the meetings of the Committee shall be open to Parties and the public unless the Committee decides otherwise. When the Committee is dealing with submissions pursuant to paragraph 12 or 13 below, the meetings of the Committee shall be open to Parties and closed to the public unless the Party whose compliance is in question agrees otherwise. The Parties or observers to whom the meeting is open shall not have the right to participate in the meeting unless the Committee and the Party whose compliance is in question agree otherwise.

9. Where a submission is made with regard to the possible non-compliance of a Party, it shall be invited to participate in the consideration of the submission by the Committee. Such a Party, however, may not take part in the elaboration and adoption of a recommendation or conclusion of the Committee in relation to the matter.

10. The Committee shall make every effort to reach agreement on all matters of substance by consensus. Where this is not possible, the report shall reflect the views of all Committee members. If all efforts to reach consensus have been exhausted and no agreement has been reached, any decision shall, as a last resort, be taken by a four-fifths majority of the members present and voting or by eight members, whichever is greater. Ten members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

11. Each member of the Committee shall, in respect of any matter that is under consideration by the Committee, avoid direct or indirect conflicts of interest. When a member finds himself or herself faced with a direct or indirect conflict of interest, or is a citizen of a Party whose compliance is in question, that member shall bring the issue to the attention of the Committee before consideration of the matter. The concerned member shall not participate in the elaboration and adoption of a recommendation of the Committee in relation to that matter.

12. Submissions may be made in writing, through the Secretariat, by:

(a) A Party that believes that, despite its best endeavours, it is, or will be, unable to comply with certain obligations under the Convention. Such a submission should include details as to which specific obligations are concerned and an assessment of the reason why the Party may be unable to meet those obligations. Where possible, substantiating information, or advice as to where such substantiating information may be found, may be provided. The submission may include suggestions for solutions which the Party considers may be most appropriate to its particular needs;

(b) A Party that is directly affected or likely to be directly affected by another Party?s alleged failure to comply with the obligations of the Convention. A Party intending to make a submission under the present subparagraph should, before so doing, undertake consultations with the Party whose compliance is in question. The submission should include details as to which specific obligations are concerned, and information substantiating the submission, including how the Party is affected or likely to be affected.

13. The Committee, in order to assess possible difficulties faced by Parties in fulfilling their obligations under Articles 4 (1), 5 (1), 5 (2) and 10 of the Convention, upon receipt of information from the Secretariat provided by such Parties pursuant to...

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